The Solve External API is implemented over HTTP and is RESTful. Every item has its own URI and is manipulated in isolation.
You will normally send your Request data in XML format, but we understand JSON and form encoded data just as well. If you want to use a non-XML request format, simply set the HTTP “Content-type” header to either application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Conversely, we will normally send response data in XML form, unless you set the HTTP “Accept” header to application/json.
Remember, access to features and data is limited to the actual user account being used to access the API.
Creates a webhook.
curl -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '<request><type>web</type><title>A New Webhook</title><active>0</active><event>items.categorize</event><constrainttype>contact</constrainttype><url></url><contenttype>xml</contenttype><secret>somethinghere</secret></request>'
… <response> <active>0</active> <type>web</type> <event>items.categorize</event> <title>A New Webhook</title> <url></url> <contenttype>xml</contenttype> <secret>somethinghere</secret> <constrainttype>contact</constrainttype> <id>72587181</id> <status>success</status> </response>
type | One class supported (text, [web]) |
title | Text that helps understand the purpose of the webhook (text) |
active | Enables or disables the webhook (integer, [0, 1]) |
event | The type of the event that will trigger the webhook (text, [items.categorize, items.uncategorize, items.update, items.create, items.delete, items.restore, activities.update, activities.create, activities.delete, activities.restore]) |
constrainttype | An constraint for the hook that narrows the event type of items/activities you’re interested in default value = all (text [all], if event = items.* [contact, projectblog, company] if event = activities.* [call, comment, file, googledoc, linkedemails, note, photo, photolist, task, tasklist, website, event, separator, opportunity, timerecord, scheduledemail, attachmentfile, freshbookswidget, zendeskwidget, xerowidget, constantcontactwidget, mailchimpwidget, followup]) |
url | A publicly available resource/script/application that will handle the callback from the webhook (text, {any valid url}) |
contenttype | The format for the data we’ll send to you in. (text, [xml, json, form]) |
secret | This is an optional security measure. The value you set will be used as KEY to create a sha256 hash for the full request body. It will be then sent as the “X-Solve360-Hmac-Sha256” header. (text) |
Required field
Updates an existing webhook.
Request (e.g. enable a webhook)
curl -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -d '<request><active>1</active></request>'
… <response> <status>success</status> </response>
Returns a list of all registered webbooks.
… <response> <hooks> <hook> <id>65355441</id> <type>web</type> <title>1. Add Lead category tag</title> <event>items.update</event> <active>0</active> <url></url> <contenttype>xml</contenttype> <secret>yoursecret</secret> <constrainttype>contact</constrainttype> </hook> <hook> <id>65355687</id> <active>0</active> <url></url> <contenttype>xml</contenttype> <secret>yoursecret</secret> <title>2. Add Client category tag</title> <event>items.categorize</event> <type>web</type> <constrainttype>contact</constrainttype> </hook> <hook> <id>65355739</id> <title>3. Complete "Receive contract" task</title> <type>web</type> <active>0</active> <url></url> <contenttype>xml</contenttype> <secret>yoursecret</secret> <event>activities.update</event> <constrainttype>task</constrainttype> </hook> </hooks> <status>success</status> </response>
Deletes an existing webhook.
curl -u '{userEmail}:{userApiToken}' -X DELETE
… <response> <status>success</status> </response>