Google email and calendar integration

Google plans to change how apps integrate with their services. If you use a Google account to link email history, sync events, or use the Webmail feature, you may need to complete the following steps before 2019-12-31.

  • Free Gmail accounts using must upgrade to Google Workspace
  • The Google Workspace must register Solve as a “Trusted App”

Registering Solve as a Google Workspace Trusted App (circa 2024)

In Google Workspace Admin

Open Security > Access and data control > API controls > App access control > MANAGE THIRD-PARTY APP ACCESS

For Solve CRM

  1. Tap 'Add app'
  2. Select ‘OAuth App Name or Client ID'
  3. Paste 807650370325-uk3qvc35ii4drn30a6t1jms25krpq72s into the search field > Search
  4. Tap Select > Check > Select > Continue > Trusted > Continue > Finish

For Solve Client Manager

  1. Tap the 'Add app'
  2. Select ‘OAuth App Name or Client ID'
  3. Paste 1030813381276-thb780hbnjhvq7rqbjptnpl381e9aaee into the search field > Search
  4. Tap Select > Check > Select > Continue > Trusted > Continue > Finish
  5. Tap the 'Add app'

  6. Select iOS
  7. Paste Solve by Norada into the search field > Search
  8. Tap Select > Continue > Trusted > Continue > Finish

The same steps with screenshots (circa 2022)

Open Google Workspace Admin

For Solve CRM

For Solve Client Manager

Both apps trusted